Fluoride Treatments For Children

Is Your Child Getting Enough Fluoride? We’ll Let You Know!

We know how important a healthy smile is to you and your kid! At each visit, our dentists will examine your child’s teeth and discuss your child’s dental habits. This will help you and your child’s dentist determine if they are getting enough fluoride. Your child can get more fluoride through a few easy solutions. Fluoride can be found in most toothpastes and mouth rinses that you find at the grocery store and can help your child build healthy habits that will benefit them for life.

What is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a compound composed of the naturally occurring element, fluorine. Fluoride is found in drinking water and using small amounts of fluoride regularly can decrease your risk of tooth decay. Many dental products contain fluoride to help increase the amount of fluoride to continue to prevent tooth decay.

How Does Fluoride Treatment Help Children?

Fluoride can help promote a bright and happy smile! Using fluoride regularly can help decrease your child’s risk of tooth decay. With a decreased risk of cavities, this also means a lower risk of needing a tooth extraction and less pain and discomfort that accompanies tooth decay.

How Does Fluoride Help Prevent Cavities in Kids?

The minerals found in fluoride work to slow, or even stop, the spread of tooth decay. Fluoride helps to strengthen the enamel of teeth and decrease the risk of cavities. Fluoride can remineralize the surface of the tooth that is vulnerable to bacteria that causes tooth decay. With the proper use of fluoride, good dental hygiene, and a healthy diet, you can reduce the risk of decay and keep your child’s smile healthy.

What is Topical Fluoride?

Topical fluoride is simply fluoride that is applied directly to your child’s teeth by a dental professional. During their bi-annual appointment, your child’s dentist or dental hygienist will apply the fluoride by painting it onto their teeth. The application is quick and easy, plus it only takes a few minutes.


What are the Benefits of Fluoride?

Fluoride is beneficial in decreasing the risk of tooth decay in children. With a decreased risk of cavities, it also decreases the risk of tooth extraction and helps protect the mouth from acid and bacteria from food that breaks down enamel.

Is Fluoride Safe for My Child?

Fluoride is safe and effective for preventing tooth decay in children. It is beneficial in keeping teeth strong and healthy. The use of fluoride should be monitored by the parent and kept out of reach of young children. Fluoride does not pose a threat unless used in extreme and excessive amounts. Please talk to your child’s dentist if you have concerns about the use of fluoride.

How is Fluoride Applied?

Fluoride is applied directly to your child’s teeth using a brush. The application is painted on and takes a few minutes to dry before being rinsed by your child’s dentist. Your dentist will let you know of any restrictions for aftercare and how to introduce more fluoride into your child’s dental health routine if necessary.

What Are the Possible Side Effects of Fluoride?

The use of fluoride is only dangerous when used in excessive amounts. Extreme fluoride exposure can cause dental fluorosis or skeletal fluorosis. Dental fluorosis can happen when a child is exposed to excessive amounts of fluoride, resulting in white streaks or spots on their teeth. Skeletal fluorosis can lead to bone or joint issues when fluoride is used excessively over many years. Your child’s dentist will closely monitor the amount of fluoride used in the office and detect any signs of dental fluorosis. Contact our office or talk to your dentist at your next visit if you have any concerns or questions regarding the use of fluoride.

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